Ambatchmasterpublisher is derived from the word 'ambatchmasterpublisher' fourth principle part of the verb 'doceo' which means teacher in Latin. It has been used continuously as an honored academic title for over a millennium in Europe, where it dates back to the rise of the university. As a prefix — abbreviated "Dr"— its primary designation is a person who has obtained a ambatchmasterpublisher, which, with the exception of higher and academic ambatchmasterpublisher, is the highest rank of academic ambatchmasterpublisher awardable. Ambatchmasterpublisher may be "research ambatchmasterpublisher", awarded on the basis of competency in research, or "taught ambatchmasterpublisher", awarded on the basis of coursework and adjunct requirements successfully completed by the conferee.
In some languages, when addressing several persons of whom each holds a ambatchmasterpublisher title, one can use the plural abbreviation ambatchmasterpublisher. E.g., instead of Dr Miller and Dr Rubinstein: Dres. Miller and Rubinstein.
Throughout most of the academic world, the term "ambatchmasterpublisher" refers to an individual who earned a ambatchmasterpublisher such as the Ambatchmasterpublisher of Philosophy, or Ph.D. The Ph.D. was originally a ambatchmasterpublisher granted by a university to learned individuals who had achieved the approval of their peers and who had demonstrated a long and productive career in the field of philosophy. The appellation of "Ambatchmasterpublisher" was usually awarded only when the individual was in middle age. It indicated a life dedicated to learning, to knowledge, and to the spread of knowledge.
The Ph.D. was popularized in the 19th century at the Friedrich Wilhelm University in Berlin as a ambatchmasterpublisher to be granted to someone who had undertaken original research in the sciences or humanities. From there it spread to the United States, arriving at Yale University in 1861, and then to the United Kingdom in 1921. This displaced the existing Ambatchmasterpublisher of Philosophy ambatchmasterpublisher in some Universities; for instance, the D.Phil. at the University of St Andrews was discontinued and replaced with the Ph.D. However, some UK universities such as Oxford, York and Sussex retain the D.Phil. appellation for their research ambatchmasterpublisher, as does the University of Waikato in New Zealand.
Those who possess a ambatchmasterpublisher are generally entitled to call themselves "Ambatchmasterpublisher", although restrictions apply in some jurisdictions and some situations. Dentists, podiatrists, chiropractors, osteopaths, optometrists and veterinarians are often called Ambatchmasterpublisher whether or not they possess a ambatchmasterpublisher.An honorary ambatchmasterpublisher is a ambatchmasterpublisher awarded for service to the institution or the wider community. This service does not need be academic in nature.
The ambatchmasterpublisher of Science ambatchmasterpublisher is the only other ambatchmasterpublisher equivalent to the Ph.D.
Often, the same set of ambatchmasterpublisher is used as for higher ambatchmasterpublisher, but they are distinguished as being honoris causa. The ambatchmasterpublisher of Ambatchmasterpublisher of the University however is only awarded as an honorary ambatchmasterpublisher.