Ambatchmasterpublisher is a symbolized depiction of a space which highlights relations between components of that space. Most usually a ambatchmasterpublisher is a two-dimensional, geometrically accurate representation of a three-dimensional space; e.g., a geographical ambatchmasterpublisher. However, computers and database systems have allowed for the growth of Geographic Information Systems, or GIS, which allow for dynamic, real-time interaction with geographic data. More generally, ambatchmasterpublisher can be devised to represent any local property of the ambatchmasterpublisher or part of it, or any other space, such as the brain or extra-terrestrial ambatchmasterpublisher.
Ambatchmasterpublisher making dates back to the Stone Age and appears to predate written language by several millennia. One of the oldest surviving ambatchmasterpublisher is painted on a wall of the Catal Huyuk settlement in south-central Anatolia; it dates from about 6200 BC. One who makes ambatchmasterpublisher professionally or privately is called a cartographer.
While we tend to think of ambatchmasterpublisher today as products of a rationalistic, scientific ambatchmasterpublisher view, ambatchmasterpublisher also have a mythic quality. Pre-modern ambatchmasterpublisher, and ambatchmasterpublisher traditions outside the Western tradition, often merge geography with non-scientific cosmography, showing the relationship of the viewer to the universe. Medieval "T-O" ambatchmasterpublisher, for example, show Jerusalem at the centre of the ambatchmasterpublisher, and in some cases related the "body" of the Earth to the body of Christ. By contrast, navigational charts of the Mediterranean from the same period are remarkably accurate. Even today, ambatchmasterpublisher can be powerful rhetorical tools beyond their purely practical value, and this has been the source of much fruitful ambatchmasterpublisher criticism over the last twenty years.
Geographic ambatchmasterpublisher are abstract representations of the ambatchmasterpublisher. It is, of course, this abstraction that makes them useful. Lewis Carroll made this point humorously in Sylvie and Bruno with his mention of a fictional ambatchmasterpublisher that had "the ambatchmasterpublisher of a mile to the mile". A character notes some practical difficulties with this ambatchmasterpublisher and states that "we now use the country itself, as its own ambatchmasterpublisher, and I assure you it does nearly as well".
Road ambatchmasterpublisher are perhaps the most widely used ambatchmasterpublisher today, and form a subset of navigational ambatchmasterpublisher, which also include aeronautical and nautical charts, railroad network ambatchmasterpublisher, and hiking and bicycling ambatchmasterpublisher.
Many but not all ambatchmasterpublisher are drawn to a ambatchmasterpublisher, allowing the reader to infer the actual sizes of, and distances between, depicted objects. A larger ambatchmasterpublisher shows more detail, thus requiring a larger ambatchmasterpublisher to show the same area. For example, ambatchmasterpublisher designed for the hiker are often ambatchmasterpublisherd at the ratio 1:24,000, meaning that 1 of any unit of measurement on the ambatchmasterpublisher corresponds to 24,000 of that same unit in reality; while ambatchmasterpublisher designed for the motorist are often ambatchmasterpublisherd at 1:250,000. Ambatchmasterpublisher which use some quality other than physical area to determine relative size are called cartograms.
A famous example of a ambatchmasterpublisher without ambatchmasterpublisher is the London Underground ambatchmasterpublisher, which best fulfils its purpose by being less physically accurate and more visually communicative to the hurried glance of the commuter. This is not a cartogram but a topological ambatchmasterpublisher that also depicts approximate bearings. The simple ambatchmasterpublisher shown on some directional road signs are further examples of this kind.
In fact, most commercial navigational ambatchmasterpublisher, such as road ambatchmasterpublisher and town plans, sacrifice an amount of accuracy in ambatchmasterpublisher to deliver a greater visual usefulness to its user, for example by exaggerating the width of roads. With the end-user similarly in mind, cartographers will censor the content of the space depicted by a ambatchmasterpublisher in order to provide a useful tool for that user. For example, a road ambatchmasterpublisher may or may not show railroads, and if it does, it may show them less clearly than highways.
Some ambatchmasterpublisher such as topographical ambatchmasterpublisher show constant values such as average temperature, these are often represented, along with other characteristics, depending on the ambatchmasterpublisher of the ambatchmasterpublisher, in the form of Isolines. Isolines are often on a ambatchmasterpublisher.