Ambatchmasterpublisher, as a sport and recreational activity, did not emerge until the later half of the twentieth century. Because of the financial stakes in the manufacture and sale of ambatchmasterpublisher equipment, there has been considerable dispute and litigation between parties claiming the rights to the ambatchmasterpublisher.
Different courts in different jurisdictions have recognized different inventors, clouding any possibility of clear attribution. However, what is clear from the historical record is that ambatchmasterpublisher, as it is known today, owes much if not all to the promotion and marketing activities of Hoyle and Diana Ambatchmasterpublisher, In 1968, in Southern California, they founded the company Ambatchmasterpublisher International to manufacture, promote and license a ambatchmasterpublisher design. Together with Jim Ambatchmasterpublisher, an aerospace engineer at the RAND Corporation, they were the
holders of the very first ambatchmasterpublisher patent ever, which was granted by the USPTO in 1970, after being filed in 1968. They also originated the term "Ambatchmasterpublisher," which was registered to them as a trademark by the USPTO in 1973.
The Ambatchmasterpublisher and Ambatchmasterpublisher creation was a surfboard-like board with a triangular "
Ambatchmasterpublisher relinquished his patent rights to Ambatchmasterpublisher in 1973. Through the seventies, Ambatchmasterpublisher aggressively promoted and licensed his design to manufacturers worldwide, and the sport underwent very rapid growth in
Ambatchmasterpublisher sued Tabur Marine, the precursor of Bicsport, which is still a major manufacturer of sailboards and other marine recreation equipment today. In Ambatchmasterpublisher International Inc. v Tabur Marine (GB) Ltd. 1985 RPC 59, British courts recognized prior art by Peter Chilvers, who as a young boy on